Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Mass Media

â€Å"Communication remains God’s great gift to humanity without which we cannot be truly human, reflecting God’s image.† (Caà ±aberal, 1993,44) The Bill of Rights has given us freedom of speech, therefore; we as individuals have expressed our thoughts, desires, and goals through the mass media. Media has been considered by Ciony C. Gonzalez as, â€Å"the most dominant art form,† because it has the power to affect a person. (Gonzales, 1984,9) Media leaves both a compelling and lasting impact on both the conscious and subconscious. (Gonzales, 1984,9) Media has contributed in ways that enlighten and enrich society, but has also weakened and confused it. Yet with all this it’s not surprising to learn that the media has become the most powerful source of information. But rather then being a positive agent in society, media has had a more negative affect on society. It has destroyed images, covered up the truth, as well as sent wrong messages. â€Å"Media is ones of this are the beer and cigarettes commercials. If you drink you will have women and friends. Media has twisted the definition of love. It works on the feelings of people rather then the intellect and will, creating a more significant impact on the youth. It provides a daily showing of trashing soaps and talk shows. Media also uses its power to promote ratings and popularity. For example you can see commercials none stop on certain television shows. A commer cial that has been played a lot lately is the Road Runner commercial. (High speed Internet) Media also promotes pornography. Pornography also has a negative moral implication that can lead to a sexually aggressive behavior that can cause rape or other heinous sex-related acts. Yet the media has justified this by referring to it as an art... Free Essays on Mass Media Free Essays on Mass Media â€Å"Communication remains God’s great gift to humanity without which we cannot be truly human, reflecting God’s image.† (Caà ±aberal, 1993,44) The Bill of Rights has given us freedom of speech, therefore; we as individuals have expressed our thoughts, desires, and goals through the mass media. Media has been considered by Ciony C. Gonzalez as, â€Å"the most dominant art form,† because it has the power to affect a person. (Gonzales, 1984,9) Media leaves both a compelling and lasting impact on both the conscious and subconscious. (Gonzales, 1984,9) Media has contributed in ways that enlighten and enrich society, but has also weakened and confused it. Yet with all this it’s not surprising to learn that the media has become the most powerful source of information. But rather then being a positive agent in society, media has had a more negative affect on society. It has destroyed images, covered up the truth, as well as sent wrong messages. â€Å"Media is ones of this are the beer and cigarettes commercials. If you drink you will have women and friends. Media has twisted the definition of love. It works on the feelings of people rather then the intellect and will, creating a more significant impact on the youth. It provides a daily showing of trashing soaps and talk shows. Media also uses its power to promote ratings and popularity. For example you can see commercials none stop on certain television shows. A commer cial that has been played a lot lately is the Road Runner commercial. (High speed Internet) Media also promotes pornography. Pornography also has a negative moral implication that can lead to a sexually aggressive behavior that can cause rape or other heinous sex-related acts. Yet the media has justified this by referring to it as an art... Free Essays on Mass Media In watching the 5:00 and 10:00 news I was presented with many different stories that appeared to be original or live recordings by the television station. I was able to pick out and recognize the difference between original news footage from the station and a video news release. The video news release that I’m going to be referring to was from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. It dealt with a new procedure of detecting Anthrax that gives doctors results sometimes in as fast as an hour. The reason that I knew it was not an original piece was that at the bottom of the screen it blatantly said â€Å"Mayo Clinic Video† in the middle of the segment that features many clips of laboratory testing. One other thing that tipped me off was an interview with a doctor at the clinic that showed no sign of a station reporter asking him questions and his remarks were not aimed at answering any specific question(s). In the case of this video release I did not see any unfair or inaccurate information that was presented. The news station did however do their own interpretation of how this procedure works and why it is so fast in detecting Anthrax. This interpretation dealt strictly with facts that helped to explain things in terms that most viewers would be able to understand and did not sway the viewer as to if this was a good or bad finding. In the case of this video release I strongly agree with the station airing a segment on detecting Anthrax. I’m sure that the Mayo Clinic is looking for some publicity in sending a video to the station, but in this case it is for the sake of helping our society. They are advertising a way to detect a very life threatening disease in new and faster ways. This breakthrough could possibly save lives. I feel that with what is going on around us right now a news story such as this it is very justified in presenting itself to the public. With this video, the public relations professional is responsible for making ...

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